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At some point if you are a business owner, you will come across this dilemma. Should you go with SEO or PPC? Or which one should I go for first?

The digital marketing space is so vast that it offers endless opportunities for businesses to grow and thrive. From social media marketing to content distribution, you can choose from a variety of disciplines that will help your brand succeed.

Two of the most popular concepts in digital marketing that many businesses consider engaging in are SEO and PPC.

What is PPC?

Pay-Per-Click or PPC advertising is another digital marketing strategy designed to help businesses develop brand awareness, acquire traffic, and boost sales at a much faster pace than SEO. It involves paying ad placements on platforms with massive traffic like Google and Bing, but unlike other advertising campaigns, the cost in PPC is only incurred every time a user successfully clicks on an advertisement.

With the right campaign setup, keyword bidding, and optimization techniques, PPC advertising can help businesses drive better sales at a fraction of a cost.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization or SEO aims to improve the search engine visibility of a particular website through tweaks and modifications of web elements. It involves a number of different activities, including keyword research, on-page tagging, content optimization, and link building. By following a set of optimization rules, a website can be relevant enough to be “chosen” by search engines and get displayed on their search results page.

Through proper SEO, your website will have a strong search presence, rank high on the results page, and ultimately, attract visitors, increase web traffic, and boost your sales and revenue.

SEO vs. PPC: Which Strategy Should You Choose?

There is no single answer to this question. SEO and PPC are different strategies with unique advantages and disadvantages. However, to help you make an informed decision, here are some pointers you can keep in mind.

Engage in SEO if…

  • You have a limited marketing budget and you’re willing to wait for the results to pick up

  • You are looking at a long-term and consistent result

  • You are targeting low-competition keywords

Engage in PPC if…

  • You have a marketing budget to spare and wish to see immediate results

  • You are targeting generic keywords that may be difficult to rank organically

  • You are running a seasonal campaign

Both SEO and PPC can help in your digital marketing initiatives. If you need professional guidance in launching effective and successful search marketing campaigns, let our marketing experts at Givicore help you.

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